I’d talked with Annie about doing a cover, and one thing led to another and now we have this! I also get to announce that a booster set for our Heroes Unite game will debut at Gen Con and this will be one of the featured cards from Delta Dawn. Wonder Weenies, The Specialists, Kickman, and Red Belt will all have cards in this new 24 card set. This was a last minute crazy extravaganza that was worth every extra hour of midnight oil burned.
You can see more of Annie’s work by checking out her Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/AnnieErskineArt/
Force has a very scary power — stopping a 200lb man relative to the orbit of the Earth around the sun is good for almost 10 tons of TNT worth of energy. Stopping him relative to the rotation of the galaxy releases the same energy as a half-kiloton nuke. Stopping him relative to the velocity of the galaxy through space would have a yield of 2.6 kilotons!