The Case of the Wandering Math Test

When your mom is a super hero and the Principal of your school, it’s a lot of pressure. Can Gail Lang-Ramiro handle it? Of course she can. She’s tough, extremely smart, and has her own dreams of being an astronaut. So how did she end up becoming a detective in the eighth grade?
This novella reveals how it all began.
The story is all ages.
Author: Scott Bachmann
Audience: Young Adult
Format: ebook, 66 pages
Language: English
Publication Date: 04-SEP-24
Retail: $.99
Kindle Unlimited: Free
Bedtime Story

The Pen & Cape Society, in conjunction with Local Hero Press, is proud to present The Good Fight, an anthology of superhero fiction from some of the best authors working in the genre. Collected within this volume are stories by Scott Bachmann, Frank Byrns, Marion G. Harmon, Warren Hately, Drew Hayes, Ian Thomas Healy, Hydrargentium, Michael Ivan Lowell, T. Mike McCurley, Landon Porter, R. J. Ross, Cheyanne Young, and Jim Zoetewey. After enjoying the stories in The Good Fight, please be sure to check out the works of the individual authors, because they’re just super!
Stories included: “Bedtime Story” by Scott Bachmann “Two Hearts” by Frank Byrns “Omega Night” by Marion G. Harmon “Zephyr Phase Zero” by Warren Hately “Out of Mind” by Drew Hayes “Archenemy” by Ian Thomas Healy “Hunting Rabbits” by Hydrargentium “The Fire of the Fly” by Michael Ivan Lowell “Firedrake: A Frosty Reception” by T. Mike McCurley “Who is . . . the Whitecoat?” by Landon Porter “Rocco” by R.J. Ross “First Date” by Cheyanne Young “Thawed” by Jim Zoetewey
Format: ebook
Pages: 214
Language: English
Publication Date: 05-JUN-2014
Retail: Free